For our last quarter of 2016, we’ve partnered with Uttam’s Place in Dhaka, Bangladesh, a tutoring center for girls who live in extreme poverty. We’ve written about Uttam’s Place and our visit there in this blog post here, a little while ago.
Uttam’s Place employs a long term holistic approach that focuses on extracting girls from physical and education poverty. Girls were chosen for Uttam’s Place because in Bangladesh girls are the most neglected. Uttam’s Place provides physical supports, like access to clean drinking water, a safe shower and a nutritious meal; educational helps like tutoring for their schoolwork, as well as English and computer classes that provide them an edge in life. Most importantly, they learn that God has a plan for their lives and loves them individually.
The focus of their program is incremental change. The poverty in which these girls live is deep and it takes a long term commitment to impact the mindset that characterizes it. Like walking up stairs to the top of a building, each step of their journey raises their expectations and extricates them more from that life of poverty. By the end of each girl’s time at Uttam’s Place, they hope to see them as college graduates, no longer living in the slums but thriving and contributing to the betterment of Bangladeshi society and its next generation.
We’re excited to partner with such a life-changing, life-giving organization.
The Mug Design Contest: Get Involved!
We’ve asked each of the girls to submit artwork/design for a mug design contest for our next mug. We’ve uploaded the artwork to our Facebook page, here! Please share with your friends, network and church; the design that gets the most “like’s” by Sunday, November 20 will become our newest Eurasia mug. Now, go vote!